Friday, April 25, 2014

Price a Home for Sale

Are you ready to sell your home? Or maybe you’re not yet, but your career requires that you move or you have to move for some other reasons beyond your control. The good news is that there are resources to help you figure out the best way and the best price for your home. You definitely don’t want to prize your home too low and leave money behind, but you really won’t want to price your home out of the market.
So, how can you find middle ground — the right price for your home, be competitive in the current market, and leave you without regret for selling the home you love?
There are several ways you could add value to your home and a situation where multiple buyers are all competing for the chance to call your house their new home. School districts are a leading factor. Another factor, especially in urban areas, is deeded parking. Unfortunately, at the time of listing, these things are out of your control, but there’s always the strategy of listing your home slightly below current market value in an effort to bring in multiple offers.
In these case, your real estate agent can make a call for highest offer” This means that all buyers making an offer will be contacted and asked to submit their best and final offer. All offers will be evaluate and the highest will be chosen. 
below are two ways to make your home’s listing and showing has the highest potential to drive multiple offers:
  • Home staging. Spending the money to clear out clutter and have your home professionally staged can boost both curb and walk through appeal. When buyers see a well-staged home, the value goes up compared to homes not staged.
  • Selling points. If you’re in a key school district, mention it. If your home includes deeded parking or a garage, mention it. Don’t make buyers wonder about the things they want to know most. These details should be featured in your listing front and center. 

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