Saturday, April 5, 2014

What's going on with wall street?

Are we being cheated by wall Street?

These days it look like ordinary people are being shafted by billionaires in wall street. if watching 60 minutes Sunday with Mr. Michael Lewis didn't scare people like me trying to get ahead in the world, yesterday's fight about that same topic on national media should worry small investors. What worries me personally is the fact that my retirement is tied to the Wall Street. To see your little investment being played with is heart wrenching. I know personally that one can try to buy a stock and as soon as you place the order, stock price goes up and if you choose to buy at a higher price, you will find out next day that the stock price went down after you bought, the new is true. Is it a co-incident?  I don't know.  It is curious to know that whenever someone challenges Wall Street, the big Wall Street investors tries to undermined the story or in case of this recent commotion, a book, calling Wall Street rigged. They want us to believe it is untrue or it is a fallacy.  They want to kill the messenger, but time and time again our worst nightmare comes true.  Wall Street crashed and middle class Americans like me loose everything and still have to bell them out and we never learn from that mistake.  Since we have short time memories about these thing, it doesn't take long for the same thing to happen again.

All I'm asking is a chance to retire comfortably.  I don't want a handout from anyone or handout from the government, I just want to be able to invest a little amount of money every month till retirement, so as to accumulate small fortune for retirement. I want to retire and leave out my life without being a burden to my children.  I'm afraid that people know how to game the system and even though they are billionaires, they want more and they are taking from people at the bottom.

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