Thursday, April 10, 2014

Street Sell Off.

Dow Jones and S&P 500 lost big today, but the most sell of is NASDAQ which lost 3% of its net worth today. it was scary watching the market.  I hope it is a simple correction not something bigger and similar to prior crashes.  I worry about ordinary investors who can not afford to loose money, whose next crash will probably be the crash that send them to leave in the street. April is said to be good month for S&P 500, it is not looking very good this year. S&P 500 shed over 2% today and all three major indexes lost all gains made in the last two days.  I am still hoping to see market reverse its current course in the near future.

If you invest in stock, do not sell your stock because everyone else is selling.  This is the time to buy great stock which because of economic or market condition lost its value.  The market will always comeback.  Buy low and sell high, do not get out of the market when market is low and come back when it is high.  This scenario will not make any sense.

I wish everyone investment success.

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