Friday, April 25, 2014

Oil and Gas development

Shale oil boom is fattening the wallet of oil producing companies.  The question now is how does this boom help the state in which the oil is produced and as the oil companies drill in the counties and cities around the united states, can these counties, cities, and states get their fair share of taxes from the production?  This question remained to be answered and hopefully the answer is that  the companies will pay their fair share of taxes to help counties, cities, and states where they drill.  Paying their fair share of taxes will help the people affected by the drilling development  around the the country.  when states allow companies such as oil company to open businesses, they sometimes give companies tax credits.  sometime these type of incentives to bring job to states leave the states with no tax benefits.  Why do state do this? it is because sometimes the benefit out-ways the loss.  In some occasions, companies do not need the incentives they receive, because these companies are very profitable.  Companies such as Oil companies are profitable and does not need all the benefit they get from our government.  This is an industry I will very much like to invest in because of their profitability.  In order to invest though, I need the capital and I don't have capital.

Invest in yourself and your country.

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