Friday, May 2, 2014

Invest in all Americans

In recent years, I've notice that women are voting against their self interest.  A recent example will be equal pay act.  The fight for equal pay is not only good for America, it makes a great business sense.  I know majority of American men believe in equal work for equal pay because it makes economics sense.  These men have daughters, wives, sisters, aunts cousins, and female friends that are hard working and they would like to see these important women in their lives make what they are worth in the workforce.  They see these women struggle to make a living even though they work full time.  They also know that if women are paid equally, some of these issues will dissipate.

 Unfortunately, every time I look around, there are some women that actually believe that women do not have the right to get paid as equally as men. I've not met a man that disagrees with equal work for equal pay.  Let us all get together and do what is right for America.  If we truly believe in equality, then giving women the opportunity to earn as much as men will be one of many great example that when America said she believe in equality, she does not only talks the talk, she also walks the walk.  It will send a message that America invest in her own people, no matter who you are.  This will serve as great example to the world.  America depends on it.

Invest in yourself and your country.

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