Friday, October 24, 2014

Wall Street: Promoting Public Fear Of Ebola?

I wake-up 4 clock every morning to get ready for work and one of my favorite things to do when I wake up is to turn to Bloomberg TV or CNBC to watch what's going on in our economy and how wall street is taking the news.  I do watch more CNBC than Bloomberg though. Another favorite of mine is to listen to Squawk Box to see what the next IPO is and how good the company will perform among other things.

I like to watch CNBC because I rather watch thing about money than to watch over and over again about the same story in a local regular news channel.  Basically, I watch CNBC because I get more out of it.  Although, I listen to the news channel for current events, my intentions are not to watch the same news over and over.  I got it the first time.

One will think that when watching CNBC, especially Squawk Box at 4 o'clock in the morning it only deal with money, IPOs, and Wall Street.  They also inject politics into the new, which is fine by me.  Personally, I feel that they also talk down the market sometimes.  It is almost like they determine which stock to talk down for the day.  Whichever stock or stocks they decide to talk badly about will go down as one watch.  

Last week, Ebola was the topic and you can see what it did to the stock market, airlines, travel industries, individual investors and 401(k) investment including me. We lost a lot of money.  This week everything died down till today, Friday the 24 of October.  I woke up to another Ebola scare in New York and the people at Squawk Box ran with it and I know that other news sources are doing the same thing but I watch Squawk Box in the Morning and that’s what I know.  

What I am trying to say here is that as they keep reporting that the Doctor in New York with Ebola is not being truthful about his condition prior to checking himself in the hospital.  They were repeating this over and over.  He was accused of say his temperature rose from 98.6 to 103. As I watched DOW, S&P, and Nasdaq future as they were down.  I don't know how much of that was a carry over from yesterday when the new first came out.  Shortly before the end of their show, they announced, that the doctor did not have 103-degree temperature; instead it was 100.3-degree temperature.  When this was going on, I thought to myself there goes my retirement funds again.  It is almost like someone is making money out of this and ordinary people like you and I are loosing big time.

I believe so much in America and our ability to get things done.  America has health care infrastructure that African countries do not have.  Therefore I believe that there is protocols put in place in America to make sure that Ebola or any other disease does not become pandemic in America.  If some African nations in the path of the pandemic manage to become Ebola free, I know and trust that America can take care of this.

I asked that CNBC and other news outlets stop playing with 401K investors and the market as a whole.  Stop talking about what you have no experience and focus on your experience, which is financial market.  You are not an expert on Ebola.  Stop acting like you are and stop promoting public fear of the unknown in the process.  American doctors have determined that  Ebola is not airborne and I believe them and maybe you should too.  Lets wait for the doctors to be proven wrong before we jump into conclusion that they don't know what they are talking about.

I understand that no one from CNBC or even the public will ever see or read this and I’m by no means an expert in anything.  I believe in information but not repetitions that take over the whole news hour.  I love watching CNBC especially at 4 o’clock in the morning.  Perhaps my thought does not matter or reflect others, I thought I share it anyway.  Other people may have the same experience and feel the same way about this issue.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Lack financial knowledge increased financial Illiteracy.

We live in the richest country in the world, the United States of America.  I am a proud citizen.  America is a place that you can come with nothing but if you work hard and are noticed you will become something.  Right now in this great country, people lack financial literacy. Our children have no knowledge of how to invest in their future or how money work.  The education system does not teach it in school and parents do not teach it at home. our children think that for someone to make it, they have to go to school and get a good paying job.  We as a society, does not teach our children how to invest their money or how to build wealth.  As a society, we have to do better than this.  To capture this problem, please read below for an article written in USA Today.  I could not find the name of the person that wrote this, but it was in USA Today.
PHOENIX -- Toni Vallee asks her class about the secret to financial success. Good jobs and education are important, her students answer. So, too, are talent, luck and perhaps even physical beauty, they say.
Those aren't the responses she's looking for.
"What makes people financially successful," Vallee said, "are discipline and the ability to delay gratification."
It's an insightful moment for the mostly moderate-income women in her session on basic budgeting. But it also could be considered an instructive lesson for a spend-happy society as a whole.
Five years into an economic recovery, many Americans aren't feeling good about their progress, with the gap apparently widening between rich and poor. Jobs explain part of the discrepancy — people with college degrees have a much lower unemployment rate, for example — but so might differences in financial literacy or understanding.
Money doesn't come with instructions, and there's no doubt that the world has become more complex financially. But there is also plenty of evidence that Americans haven't learned the basics. Some people rack up big credit-card balances or spend too much on assets that depreciate, namely cars and trucks.
Others pay too much in banking fees, leave themselves vulnerable to fraud, fail to participate in retirement accounts and invest too cautiously, parking money in low-yielding deposit accounts while avoiding the stock market entirely.
Consequences of low financial literacy include paying too much in fees or interest, leaving matching funds on the table in retirement plans, not using available tax breaks, retiring with inadequate assets and failing to meet basic goals such as homeownership.
If there's one worrisome symptom, it's the widespread inability of many individuals to build up an emergency or rainy-day fund. Sometimes, that's the result of a failure to delay instant gratification. Financial advisers once recommended socking away enough cash to meet three months' worth of expenses in a pinch. But many now suggest six months' or even a year's worth because of the longer time it now takes to find employment.
A meaningful savings account "means you have the resources to absorb the shocks of life," said Vallee, a retired IBM sales manager who now teaches financial-literacy classes as a volunteer for the YWCA. "It makes the hard times easier to get through."
No wonder the tough economy of the past half-dozen years has been so challenging. The Financial Regulatory Industry Authority, or FINRA, asked 1,000 Americans if they could scrape together $2,000 within a month to meet an emergency. Roughly two in five respondents, 39 percent, said they probably or definitely could not.
Conversely, a study last year of millionaires by Capgemini and RBC Wealth Management found that wealthy households had fully recovered from the recession a couple of years ago, partly because they kept meaningful holdings in stocks and real estate. When those markets bounced back, so did their net worth. A poor understanding of riskier assets like the stock market, now hovering at record highs, is one factor that holds back many Americans.
Nearly 46 percent of Arizona's households are in a "persistent state of financial insecurity," said the Corporation for Enterprise Development, a group that works to alleviate poverty, in a study released in January. The state's rank of 41st was brought down by a high proportion of unbanked residents, those with subprime credit scores, a high proportion of student-loan defaults and other issues..
While Arizona's poverty rate is fifth worst in the nation, poor people aren't the only ones at risk, according to the non-profit. One in four Arizona households earning middle-class incomes between roughly $54,000 and $91,000 also lack three months of savings in the bank, the group reported.
So, enter the importance of something as basic of budgeting — tracking expenses and income every month. It's an exercise that Americans routinely ignore.
Guadalupe resident Petra Estrada, a student in Vallee's YWCA class, is getting the message.
"I have a booklet at home where I write down all my bills," she said. "It lets me know almost exactly how much I can spend or how much over I will be."
Estrada also wants to learn more about credit-card terms and usage, and one day she would like to be a homeowner.
Americans express frustration about their lack of money acumen. In a poll conducted by the National Foundation for Credit Counseling, four in 10 respondents graded themselves a C, D or F for financial literacy.
Young adults are less confident and seniors the most confident, according to a separate poll by Bank of America.
Partly, frustration reflects the fact that the world has become more complex financially. Decades ago, savers plunked their money into plain-vanilla passbook savings accounts, and they bought homes with one type of loan — a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage. Many workers had pensions that took care of their retirement-planning needs. Nobody felt the need to manage debit cards, online accounts, 401(k) plans or credit scores; they didn't exist. Few people worried about identity theft. Insurance and income taxes were simpler.
The world has changed, but money-oriented education hasn't kept pace. In the Bank of America survey, 71 percent of respondents agreed that the Internet has made it easier to learn about personal-finance topics and to do the basic research. But the demands and responsibilities also have increased, with 42 percent of people in the poll admitting to feeling overwhelmed by the amount of financial information available.
"It's not rocket science, but it's hard," said Vallee, referring to budgeting, saving, dealing with debt and other topics taught in the YWCA's four-week course. "The earlier you get started, the better off you'll be."
Most Americans don't receive formal personal-finance instruction at an early age, if at all, even though it's a topic they will apply in varying degrees throughout their lives.
"Budgeting would help me, but they don't talk about this at my high school," said L.J. Abad of Gilbert, a 17-year-old student and the only male who showed up for Vallee's small class one day recently. "It's usually the opposite, getting you to think about consumerism."
There has been some progress, with Arizona now requiring some personal-finance instruction in the schools and federal regulators tightening credit-card availability for college students a few years ago. Groups such as Junior Achievement of Arizona also are active, helping to illustrate basic financial interactions and decisions for middle- and high-school students.
"They come here to apply the lessons they've been learning in class," said Abby Slaughter, a coordinator at Junior Achievement's Tempe facility, where students engage in role-playing in classroom modules set up as banks, grocery stores, auto dealerships and other commercial establishments.
"We teach about interest, taxes and other concepts," Slaughter said. "A lot of light bulbs go on."
Ray Himmelberg, a senior regional human-resources director for Walmart in Phoenix, volunteers at Junior Achievement, helping guide students through the exercises and checking their assignments. He considers it an important way to help youngsters gain a better appreciation for the free-enterprise system and how to survive it.
"Kids will say, 'Now I see why my dad works two jobs,'" Himmelberg said. "You see those moments."
Money basics: How much do you know?
The Arizona Republic
Try your hand at the following 10 financial-literacy questions. The first five are from a quiz developed by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. The second five are from a test prepared by the JumpStart Coalition.
1. Suppose you have $100 in a savings account earning 2 percent interest a year. After five years, how much would you have?
A) More than $102.
B) Exactly $102.
C) Less than $102.
2. Imagine that the interest rate on your savings account is 1 percent a year and inflation is 2 percent a year. After a year, would the money in the account buy more than today, the same or less?
A) More.
B) Same.
C) Less.
3. When interest rates rise, what typically happens to bond prices?
A) They rise.
B) They fall.
C) They stay the same.
4. A 15-year mortgage typically requires higher monthly payments than a 30-year mortgage but the total interest over the life of the loan will be less.
True or false?
5. Buying a single company's stock usually provides a safer return than a stock mutual fund.
True or false?
6. Take-home pay from your job is less than the total amount you earn. Which of the following best describes what is taken out?
A) Social Security and Medicare contributions.
B) Income tax, property tax, and Medicare and Social Security contributions.
C) Income tax, Social Security and Medicare contributions.
D) Income tax, sales tax and Social Security contributions.
7. A couple receive money as baby gifts and want to put it away for their child's college education. Which of the following tends to have the highest growth over periods of 18 years or longer?
A) Checking accounts.
B) Stocks.
C) Government savings bonds.
D) Bank savings accounts.
8. If you are behind on your debt payments and go to a responsible credit-counseling service, what help can they give you?
A) They can cancel and cut up all your credit cards without your permission.
B) They can get the federal government to apply your income taxes to pay off your debts.
C) They can work with those who loaned you money to set up a payment schedule you can meet.
D) They can force those who loaned you money to forgive all your debts.
9. If your credit card is stolen and the thief runs up a debt of $1,000 but you notify the card issuer after you discover it missing, what is the maximum amount you can be forced to pay under federal law?
A) $500.
B) $1,000.
C) Nothing.
D) $50.
10. If you cause an accident, which type of automobile insurance would cover damage to your own car?
A) Comprehensive.
B) Liability.
C) Term.
D) Collision.
1. A. Compounding, or earning interest on interest, would result in more than $102. 2. C. This question illustrates the potential purchasing-power loss on low-yielding savings accounts. 3. B. Bond prices move in the opposite direction of interest rates.4. True. Shorter loans typically require bigger monthly payments but result in lower interest expense. 5. False. A single stock wouldn't be diversified, thus more risky. 6. C. Sales and property taxes aren't deducted from paychecks. 7. B. A portfolio of stocks would be expected to outpace the other conservative investments over many years. 8. C. Responsible credit counselors try to work with lenders to come up with payment solutions. 9. D. The legal maximum is $50, though some credit-card companies will absorb all fraud losses. 10. D. Comprehensive insurance generally pays for damage not resulting directly from an accident.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Is 3% GDP Possible Next Year?

What is the trigger for market correction? The US trade deficit is getting smaller in first quarter GDP, the obvious revival of recessionary rhetoric could do the trick.  Market watchers believe that the probability of a recession is less than that of an intense hastening in GDP growth.  Market watchers forecast about 2% gain in GDP growth this year in the United States which they also believe will be followed by 3% plus growth next year.     

Sunday, May 25, 2014

DOW Hit Record

DOW Jones Industrial Average hit record level last week.  anyone who invest in DOW will be happy investor with the DOW meaning that big was good and small was bad last week.  DOW was up 0.4% and finished at new high.  Broader indexes did not fair well last week. The S&P 500 fell 0.1% to 18780.48, Russell 200 small-cap index fell 2% to 1107.22, with tech down 3%. Invest with care in your investment choice.  There are risks in every investment.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Invest in all Americans

In recent years, I've notice that women are voting against their self interest.  A recent example will be equal pay act.  The fight for equal pay is not only good for America, it makes a great business sense.  I know majority of American men believe in equal work for equal pay because it makes economics sense.  These men have daughters, wives, sisters, aunts cousins, and female friends that are hard working and they would like to see these important women in their lives make what they are worth in the workforce.  They see these women struggle to make a living even though they work full time.  They also know that if women are paid equally, some of these issues will dissipate.

 Unfortunately, every time I look around, there are some women that actually believe that women do not have the right to get paid as equally as men. I've not met a man that disagrees with equal work for equal pay.  Let us all get together and do what is right for America.  If we truly believe in equality, then giving women the opportunity to earn as much as men will be one of many great example that when America said she believe in equality, she does not only talks the talk, she also walks the walk.  It will send a message that America invest in her own people, no matter who you are.  This will serve as great example to the world.  America depends on it.

Invest in yourself and your country.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Price a Home for Sale

Are you ready to sell your home? Or maybe you’re not yet, but your career requires that you move or you have to move for some other reasons beyond your control. The good news is that there are resources to help you figure out the best way and the best price for your home. You definitely don’t want to prize your home too low and leave money behind, but you really won’t want to price your home out of the market.
So, how can you find middle ground — the right price for your home, be competitive in the current market, and leave you without regret for selling the home you love?
There are several ways you could add value to your home and a situation where multiple buyers are all competing for the chance to call your house their new home. School districts are a leading factor. Another factor, especially in urban areas, is deeded parking. Unfortunately, at the time of listing, these things are out of your control, but there’s always the strategy of listing your home slightly below current market value in an effort to bring in multiple offers.
In these case, your real estate agent can make a call for highest offer” This means that all buyers making an offer will be contacted and asked to submit their best and final offer. All offers will be evaluate and the highest will be chosen. 
below are two ways to make your home’s listing and showing has the highest potential to drive multiple offers:
  • Home staging. Spending the money to clear out clutter and have your home professionally staged can boost both curb and walk through appeal. When buyers see a well-staged home, the value goes up compared to homes not staged.
  • Selling points. If you’re in a key school district, mention it. If your home includes deeded parking or a garage, mention it. Don’t make buyers wonder about the things they want to know most. These details should be featured in your listing front and center. 

Oil and Gas development

Shale oil boom is fattening the wallet of oil producing companies.  The question now is how does this boom help the state in which the oil is produced and as the oil companies drill in the counties and cities around the united states, can these counties, cities, and states get their fair share of taxes from the production?  This question remained to be answered and hopefully the answer is that  the companies will pay their fair share of taxes to help counties, cities, and states where they drill.  Paying their fair share of taxes will help the people affected by the drilling development  around the the country.  when states allow companies such as oil company to open businesses, they sometimes give companies tax credits.  sometime these type of incentives to bring job to states leave the states with no tax benefits.  Why do state do this? it is because sometimes the benefit out-ways the loss.  In some occasions, companies do not need the incentives they receive, because these companies are very profitable.  Companies such as Oil companies are profitable and does not need all the benefit they get from our government.  This is an industry I will very much like to invest in because of their profitability.  In order to invest though, I need the capital and I don't have capital.

Invest in yourself and your country.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Are we going to witness another bubble?

People who know more about Wall Street are talking about the next bubble.  Should we be worried?  I hope not.  There are people who probably benefit from market bubbles.  With the baby boomer retiring and I know few that are about to retire, I hope their 401(K) will not suffer again.  They've worked hard and deserve to retire with enough money to leave the rest of their life financially stable.  Some that have retired have to get another job to stay afloat because the stock market bubble of 2007 wiped out their investments.  The baby boomer deserve to retire with dignity

Sunday, April 13, 2014

US Stock Market Sank Again on Friday

US Stock market sank again on Friday with S&P 500 falling to its low since June.  According to reports from market news, technologies and biotech industries led the way to the bearish market. GM has also taken a hit from their recall probe, dropping their stock over 4%.  S&P dropped 0.9%.  In recap, DOW dropped -385.96, -2.35% in a week, NASDAQ weekly recap is a drop of -127.73, 3.10%, and S&P 500 dropped -49.40, 2.65% for the week.  I hope this coming week will bring the best that stock market can give.

Invest in yourself and your country

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Follow the money

Historical data have shown April to be one of the best month for the S&P 500.  Recent years Aprils have been especially good.  The S&P 500 has averaged over 3% in April. This April is showing to be no difference I hope. For people that invest on TSP, this is especially good news. On Thursday April 3, 2014, I watched as S&P 500 went to $1,893.80, unbelievable.  I have been investing my TSP S account on the  DOW Jones, but I will be moving my account from S fund to C fund on Monday.  Hopefully, it will not be a mistake. Since April is the best month for S&P 500, I will try my luck with S&P.   I am still trying to find the best way to invest my TSP account.  Time will tell if I'm investing the right way the right way or if I find someone with the know how to show me the best possible way to invest my TSP.  For people who started late with retirement savings, just hope that you will not be beaten again by Wall Street.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Street Sell Off.

Dow Jones and S&P 500 lost big today, but the most sell of is NASDAQ which lost 3% of its net worth today. it was scary watching the market.  I hope it is a simple correction not something bigger and similar to prior crashes.  I worry about ordinary investors who can not afford to loose money, whose next crash will probably be the crash that send them to leave in the street. April is said to be good month for S&P 500, it is not looking very good this year. S&P 500 shed over 2% today and all three major indexes lost all gains made in the last two days.  I am still hoping to see market reverse its current course in the near future.

If you invest in stock, do not sell your stock because everyone else is selling.  This is the time to buy great stock which because of economic or market condition lost its value.  The market will always comeback.  Buy low and sell high, do not get out of the market when market is low and come back when it is high.  This scenario will not make any sense.

I wish everyone investment success.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

What's going on with wall street?

Are we being cheated by wall Street?

These days it look like ordinary people are being shafted by billionaires in wall street. if watching 60 minutes Sunday with Mr. Michael Lewis didn't scare people like me trying to get ahead in the world, yesterday's fight about that same topic on national media should worry small investors. What worries me personally is the fact that my retirement is tied to the Wall Street. To see your little investment being played with is heart wrenching. I know personally that one can try to buy a stock and as soon as you place the order, stock price goes up and if you choose to buy at a higher price, you will find out next day that the stock price went down after you bought, the new is true. Is it a co-incident?  I don't know.  It is curious to know that whenever someone challenges Wall Street, the big Wall Street investors tries to undermined the story or in case of this recent commotion, a book, calling Wall Street rigged. They want us to believe it is untrue or it is a fallacy.  They want to kill the messenger, but time and time again our worst nightmare comes true.  Wall Street crashed and middle class Americans like me loose everything and still have to bell them out and we never learn from that mistake.  Since we have short time memories about these thing, it doesn't take long for the same thing to happen again.

All I'm asking is a chance to retire comfortably.  I don't want a handout from anyone or handout from the government, I just want to be able to invest a little amount of money every month till retirement, so as to accumulate small fortune for retirement. I want to retire and leave out my life without being a burden to my children.  I'm afraid that people know how to game the system and even though they are billionaires, they want more and they are taking from people at the bottom.