Friday, April 25, 2014

Price a Home for Sale

Are you ready to sell your home? Or maybe you’re not yet, but your career requires that you move or you have to move for some other reasons beyond your control. The good news is that there are resources to help you figure out the best way and the best price for your home. You definitely don’t want to prize your home too low and leave money behind, but you really won’t want to price your home out of the market.
So, how can you find middle ground — the right price for your home, be competitive in the current market, and leave you without regret for selling the home you love?
There are several ways you could add value to your home and a situation where multiple buyers are all competing for the chance to call your house their new home. School districts are a leading factor. Another factor, especially in urban areas, is deeded parking. Unfortunately, at the time of listing, these things are out of your control, but there’s always the strategy of listing your home slightly below current market value in an effort to bring in multiple offers.
In these case, your real estate agent can make a call for highest offer” This means that all buyers making an offer will be contacted and asked to submit their best and final offer. All offers will be evaluate and the highest will be chosen. 
below are two ways to make your home’s listing and showing has the highest potential to drive multiple offers:
  • Home staging. Spending the money to clear out clutter and have your home professionally staged can boost both curb and walk through appeal. When buyers see a well-staged home, the value goes up compared to homes not staged.
  • Selling points. If you’re in a key school district, mention it. If your home includes deeded parking or a garage, mention it. Don’t make buyers wonder about the things they want to know most. These details should be featured in your listing front and center. 

Oil and Gas development

Shale oil boom is fattening the wallet of oil producing companies.  The question now is how does this boom help the state in which the oil is produced and as the oil companies drill in the counties and cities around the united states, can these counties, cities, and states get their fair share of taxes from the production?  This question remained to be answered and hopefully the answer is that  the companies will pay their fair share of taxes to help counties, cities, and states where they drill.  Paying their fair share of taxes will help the people affected by the drilling development  around the the country.  when states allow companies such as oil company to open businesses, they sometimes give companies tax credits.  sometime these type of incentives to bring job to states leave the states with no tax benefits.  Why do state do this? it is because sometimes the benefit out-ways the loss.  In some occasions, companies do not need the incentives they receive, because these companies are very profitable.  Companies such as Oil companies are profitable and does not need all the benefit they get from our government.  This is an industry I will very much like to invest in because of their profitability.  In order to invest though, I need the capital and I don't have capital.

Invest in yourself and your country.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Are we going to witness another bubble?

People who know more about Wall Street are talking about the next bubble.  Should we be worried?  I hope not.  There are people who probably benefit from market bubbles.  With the baby boomer retiring and I know few that are about to retire, I hope their 401(K) will not suffer again.  They've worked hard and deserve to retire with enough money to leave the rest of their life financially stable.  Some that have retired have to get another job to stay afloat because the stock market bubble of 2007 wiped out their investments.  The baby boomer deserve to retire with dignity

Sunday, April 13, 2014

US Stock Market Sank Again on Friday

US Stock market sank again on Friday with S&P 500 falling to its low since June.  According to reports from market news, technologies and biotech industries led the way to the bearish market. GM has also taken a hit from their recall probe, dropping their stock over 4%.  S&P dropped 0.9%.  In recap, DOW dropped -385.96, -2.35% in a week, NASDAQ weekly recap is a drop of -127.73, 3.10%, and S&P 500 dropped -49.40, 2.65% for the week.  I hope this coming week will bring the best that stock market can give.

Invest in yourself and your country

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Follow the money

Historical data have shown April to be one of the best month for the S&P 500.  Recent years Aprils have been especially good.  The S&P 500 has averaged over 3% in April. This April is showing to be no difference I hope. For people that invest on TSP, this is especially good news. On Thursday April 3, 2014, I watched as S&P 500 went to $1,893.80, unbelievable.  I have been investing my TSP S account on the  DOW Jones, but I will be moving my account from S fund to C fund on Monday.  Hopefully, it will not be a mistake. Since April is the best month for S&P 500, I will try my luck with S&P.   I am still trying to find the best way to invest my TSP account.  Time will tell if I'm investing the right way the right way or if I find someone with the know how to show me the best possible way to invest my TSP.  For people who started late with retirement savings, just hope that you will not be beaten again by Wall Street.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Street Sell Off.

Dow Jones and S&P 500 lost big today, but the most sell of is NASDAQ which lost 3% of its net worth today. it was scary watching the market.  I hope it is a simple correction not something bigger and similar to prior crashes.  I worry about ordinary investors who can not afford to loose money, whose next crash will probably be the crash that send them to leave in the street. April is said to be good month for S&P 500, it is not looking very good this year. S&P 500 shed over 2% today and all three major indexes lost all gains made in the last two days.  I am still hoping to see market reverse its current course in the near future.

If you invest in stock, do not sell your stock because everyone else is selling.  This is the time to buy great stock which because of economic or market condition lost its value.  The market will always comeback.  Buy low and sell high, do not get out of the market when market is low and come back when it is high.  This scenario will not make any sense.

I wish everyone investment success.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

What's going on with wall street?

Are we being cheated by wall Street?

These days it look like ordinary people are being shafted by billionaires in wall street. if watching 60 minutes Sunday with Mr. Michael Lewis didn't scare people like me trying to get ahead in the world, yesterday's fight about that same topic on national media should worry small investors. What worries me personally is the fact that my retirement is tied to the Wall Street. To see your little investment being played with is heart wrenching. I know personally that one can try to buy a stock and as soon as you place the order, stock price goes up and if you choose to buy at a higher price, you will find out next day that the stock price went down after you bought, the new is true. Is it a co-incident?  I don't know.  It is curious to know that whenever someone challenges Wall Street, the big Wall Street investors tries to undermined the story or in case of this recent commotion, a book, calling Wall Street rigged. They want us to believe it is untrue or it is a fallacy.  They want to kill the messenger, but time and time again our worst nightmare comes true.  Wall Street crashed and middle class Americans like me loose everything and still have to bell them out and we never learn from that mistake.  Since we have short time memories about these thing, it doesn't take long for the same thing to happen again.

All I'm asking is a chance to retire comfortably.  I don't want a handout from anyone or handout from the government, I just want to be able to invest a little amount of money every month till retirement, so as to accumulate small fortune for retirement. I want to retire and leave out my life without being a burden to my children.  I'm afraid that people know how to game the system and even though they are billionaires, they want more and they are taking from people at the bottom.