Tuesday, December 29, 2015

UP Wall Street For The Week Ending December 24.

S&P and DOW went up 2.76 and 2.47 respectively. it was a good week for both S&P and Dow Jones Industrial Average as Christmas is near and stocks price rally strongly. Because this is Santa Clause week and the volume was low, the gain was insignificant.  As we all know, the market tends to rally and perform very well before Christmas.

Energy is the reason for the market down turn in recent weeks and months, it is will be easy to look at oil prices going up  as the reason for the stock market bounce. Because the volume is low, the impact on the market looked significantly higher than what it could have been if the volume is high. The impact is even more magnified as many investors took Christmas break

According to AAA, declining oil prices have saved Americans $115 Billion on gasoline year to date, a saving of $550 per driver, also in accordance to Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, bankruptcy filing by oil and gas companies is at its highest since the great recession of 2008.

Christmas sales is trickling down.  The mall parking lot is readily available for shoppers and lines in stores are very short making some nervous investors and it sound like retails sales will be disappointing.  some people will blame it to online shopping forgetting that online shopping only account to 10% - 20% of Christmas sales.  Analysts has lowered their sales expectations.

Be careful of the market ups and downs and back and forth.  when it comes to investing take the road less traveled.

Happy New Year.                  illustration festive postcard with deer sled and santa   

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