Friday, October 24, 2014

Wall Street: Promoting Public Fear Of Ebola?

I wake-up 4 clock every morning to get ready for work and one of my favorite things to do when I wake up is to turn to Bloomberg TV or CNBC to watch what's going on in our economy and how wall street is taking the news.  I do watch more CNBC than Bloomberg though. Another favorite of mine is to listen to Squawk Box to see what the next IPO is and how good the company will perform among other things.

I like to watch CNBC because I rather watch thing about money than to watch over and over again about the same story in a local regular news channel.  Basically, I watch CNBC because I get more out of it.  Although, I listen to the news channel for current events, my intentions are not to watch the same news over and over.  I got it the first time.

One will think that when watching CNBC, especially Squawk Box at 4 o'clock in the morning it only deal with money, IPOs, and Wall Street.  They also inject politics into the new, which is fine by me.  Personally, I feel that they also talk down the market sometimes.  It is almost like they determine which stock to talk down for the day.  Whichever stock or stocks they decide to talk badly about will go down as one watch.  

Last week, Ebola was the topic and you can see what it did to the stock market, airlines, travel industries, individual investors and 401(k) investment including me. We lost a lot of money.  This week everything died down till today, Friday the 24 of October.  I woke up to another Ebola scare in New York and the people at Squawk Box ran with it and I know that other news sources are doing the same thing but I watch Squawk Box in the Morning and that’s what I know.  

What I am trying to say here is that as they keep reporting that the Doctor in New York with Ebola is not being truthful about his condition prior to checking himself in the hospital.  They were repeating this over and over.  He was accused of say his temperature rose from 98.6 to 103. As I watched DOW, S&P, and Nasdaq future as they were down.  I don't know how much of that was a carry over from yesterday when the new first came out.  Shortly before the end of their show, they announced, that the doctor did not have 103-degree temperature; instead it was 100.3-degree temperature.  When this was going on, I thought to myself there goes my retirement funds again.  It is almost like someone is making money out of this and ordinary people like you and I are loosing big time.

I believe so much in America and our ability to get things done.  America has health care infrastructure that African countries do not have.  Therefore I believe that there is protocols put in place in America to make sure that Ebola or any other disease does not become pandemic in America.  If some African nations in the path of the pandemic manage to become Ebola free, I know and trust that America can take care of this.

I asked that CNBC and other news outlets stop playing with 401K investors and the market as a whole.  Stop talking about what you have no experience and focus on your experience, which is financial market.  You are not an expert on Ebola.  Stop acting like you are and stop promoting public fear of the unknown in the process.  American doctors have determined that  Ebola is not airborne and I believe them and maybe you should too.  Lets wait for the doctors to be proven wrong before we jump into conclusion that they don't know what they are talking about.

I understand that no one from CNBC or even the public will ever see or read this and I’m by no means an expert in anything.  I believe in information but not repetitions that take over the whole news hour.  I love watching CNBC especially at 4 o’clock in the morning.  Perhaps my thought does not matter or reflect others, I thought I share it anyway.  Other people may have the same experience and feel the same way about this issue.